
Find Your Creative Circle

Let’s talk about finding your own creative circle. (“creative circle”, noun – a circle of friends, peers, mentors/mentees, and other individuals that radiate creativity).

Your Most Creative Location

As we are resuming back to normal life, going out of the “work-from-home” environment more to a hybrid or in-office lifestyle, we’re adjusting as a generation (GenZ for me specifically) to how we work, think, collaborate, and create.

For me, you can typically find me in the weekdays at the Complexity Gaming Headquarters, at UT Dallas, or at a local coffee shop. Ironically, you typically won’t find me at home – and that’s because my “creative circle” is in public, with friends, or in the MCN (Marketing & Creative Network).

In addition, I’m an extrovert – so I need to be around others to be productive.

Extrovert & Introvert Energy

If you’re an extrovert, typically you get your energy (and maybe productivity) from surrounding yourself in the scene of other people. This could be at your office, at a coffee shop (that’s actually where I’m typing this article in under 10 minutes, at a local coffee shop over some cold brew), or at networking events. This is definitely me.

If you’re an introvert, you may get your energy and productivity by putting yourself in your own environment – away from distractions or people. This is probably the opposite of me, except that 2% of the time where I need to decompress and focus on specific things.

There is of course, an in-between.

Everyone is different on how we generate our energy, so it’s important to sometimes get out of your comfort zone to find your comfort zone. Your current “WFH” setup not working for you? You don’t feel as creative” Try changing your setting up!

Putting Others In Your Creative Circle

Outside of my full-time job, where my creative circle there is for our social media, content creation, and marketing projects – I find myself putting some of my college friends, photography/content creator friends, and other individuals in DFW or online in a creative circle. I even meet with one of my co-workers monthly on how we can improve our own personal brands – and soon I hope to start a marketing podcast all about personal branding.

The goal of your creative circle is to find others that are likeminded, share different/new perspectives, and maybe share similar interests (ie. photography, social media, personal branding, roadtrips, content creation, TikTok, etc.).


Takeaways – some key points you as the reader can takeaway (take it or leave it) from this article. Consider this as a quick TL;DR, tips/pointers, and summary of this article!

  • Identify how you get your energy & productivity, are you an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in the middle?
  • Identify places where you can be most creative.
  • Identify individuals to invite in your creative circle.

That’s it! Let me know what you all think – and if you haven’t already, highly recommend joining the Marketing & Creative Network Discord!

By Eric Aaberg

Head of Social Strategy & Marketing, TGR Creative